Study Tips for Those with Executive Functioning Disorder

Posted by Dr. Patrick Vincent-Pope | Aug 01, 2023 | 0 Comments

Executive Functioning Disorder (EFD) is a term used to describe a range of cognitive difficulties that impact someone's ability to plan, focus, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. These challenges can make everyday tasks daunting and significantly affect a student's academic performance. If you are a student living with EFD, you may find yourself struggling with basic organizational tasks that other students find easy—and falling behind in your studies as a result.

Fortunately, there are options and workarounds to help you thrive in school while living with this disorder. Here are some helpful study tips that can help you move forward confidently.

Break Down Larger Tasks

Large tasks can be overwhelming for students with EFD. When facing a big assignment, try breaking it into smaller, more manageable pieces. This not only helps to reduce anxiety but it also allows you to focus on one task at a time. For example, if you have a 10-page paper due in two weeks, break it down into smaller chunks—writing one page per day, for instance.

Use a Planner

One of the core challenges of EFD is difficulty with planning and organization. Having a planner can help you stay on top of assignments and deadlines. A planner will allow you to see what needs to be done and when; this can be invaluable when it comes to managing your time. Set aside some time each week to review your planner and ensure you're on track. As an alternative to a handheld planner, consider using a planner app on your phone.

Use Visual Aids

Visual aids can be incredibly helpful for students with EFD. Try using mind maps, diagrams, and other visual aids to help you understand complex concepts. Color coding can also be helpful; try using different colored pens or highlighters to differentiate between topics or ideas. This can help to reduce cognitive load and make it easier to retain information.

Minimize Distractions

A quiet, clutter-free study environment can help keep your focus on the task at hand. Try turning off electronic devices when studying, keep the TV off, and turn off the music. If you are working online, try installing an app that limits your access to social media, email, or other possible distractions.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is crucial for cognitive and emotional functioning, and it's especially important for students with EFD. Lack of sleep can exacerbate symptoms of EFD, making it harder to focus and retain information. Make sure that you are getting enough sleep each night. Aim for at least 8 hours.

Consider Getting a Tutor

Professional tutoring can offer customized strategies that fit individual learning styles. A good tutor with experience in EFD will provide the emotional support you need, along with practical study techniques, one-on-one support, and an additional layer of accountability to keep you on track.

Remember, seeking help is not a sign of weakness but a step towards empowerment. You are not alone in your journey; there are resources and people who are ready and willing to help. With patience, perseverance, and the right strategies, you can overcome the challenges of EFD and achieve academic success. To learn more about how Vincent Pope can help you excel academically, call (919) 593-1378 or contact us online.

About the Author

Dr. Patrick Vincent-Pope

Patrick is the founding Executive Manager and a Tutor with Vincent-Pope Tutoring, LLC. After a Master's Degree in Life Science, he was awarded two competitive national fellowships to teach for 4 years in a European University and study for a PhD in Biochemistry at the C.N.R.S.. He graduated with ...


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