The "Virtuous Cycle:" How Acing One Test Can Lead to More Success

Posted by Dr. Patrick Vincent-Pope | May 01, 2023 | 0 Comments

When you are facing a particularly difficult exam in school, it can be easy to focus all your effort and expectation on that one event—like passing that test is the only thing that matters. But actually, crushing that test can do much more than ensure or save your grade. In academics, as with other things, a single success can be parlayed into further successes, causing a positive chain reaction of sorts. We refer to this phenomenon as a "virtuous cycle," and it's something you definitely want to encourage in your academic journey. Let's talk about what the "virtuous cycle" is and how that test you're studying for right now could lead to further positive growth.

What Is a Virtuous Cycle?

A virtuous cycle is a series of events that builds upon itself, leading to increasing occurrences of positive outcomes. (Think of it as the opposite of a "vicious cycle," in which bad occurrences trigger more bad occurrences in a cyclical pattern.) In the context of economics, virtuous cycles can be seen when businesses and consumers are able to increase their spending, resulting in increased economic activity that creates further opportunities for economic growth and development, leading to further increased spending, which further grows the get the idea. In other contexts, virtuous cycles may refer to mutually beneficial relationships between individuals or groups that yield positive results for all involved.

This concept also works in academics. Once you experience success in one area, this leads to improvement in other areas. For example, if you do well on a math test, a good grade may be just the beginning. Crushing that test can build your confidence, making you more motivated to study for future tests or even take on more challenging classes. This increased motivation and effort can lead to crushing more tests, which can then further boost your sense of self-confidence, and so on.

Why the Virtuous Cycle Matters

Referring back to the idea that you are facing down a hard exam...if you only see that exam as one event in your academic career and you are already afraid of failure, you will be less motivated to study and put in the work to pass it. But let's look at what can happen when you see the bigger picture. How can this one exam become the beginning of a "virtuous cycle" of success? Here is how this can happen for you:

  • You learn good study habits while prepping for the exam. These habits will serve you well later.
  • Acing the test gives you what we call a "deposit of victory." It builds your confidence, gives you momentum, and gives you hope that you can actually do this.
  • You take that confidence into the next class module—and even additional classes.
  • You recall the good study habits that got you that good test grade, and you replicate them in your other studies. This builds a stronger sense of discipline and time management.
  • You get more good grades.
  • Your confidence continues to build.
  • ...And the virtuous cycle continues.

While this is all happening, something even better starts to emerge. The success you are experiencing with your studies starts to overflow into other parts of your life—into your overall sense of well-being. You may find you have more confidence in your daily life, social life, and chosen career path. The discipline you have learned in your academic success can now carry over into other goals you might set for yourself. Maybe you find a fresh motivation to get in better physical shape, to write a song, or to start a business. The possibilities are endless.

When you look at it from this perspective—it isn't just about the test anymore. Every opportunity to succeed can open up more opportunities to succeed, both in school and in life. That's the virtuous cycle.

It Starts with One Success

At Vincent-Pope Tutoring, we take a big-picture approach to helping students. Whether you are struggling with your grades, a particular class, or an upcoming test, personal tutoring with our experts can give you the added boost you need to get that deposit of victory and start a virtuous cycle of success. Call us at (919) 593-1378 or contact us online today to learn more about how we can help. 

About the Author

Dr. Patrick Vincent-Pope

Patrick is the founding Executive Manager and a Tutor with Vincent-Pope Tutoring, LLC. After a Master's Degree in Life Science, he was awarded two competitive national fellowships to teach for 4 years in a European University and study for a PhD in Biochemistry at the C.N.R.S.. He graduated with ...


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