Why Math Is So Difficult for Some Students, and How a Tutor Can Help

Posted by Dr. Patrick Vincent-Pope | Dec 01, 2023 | 0 Comments

If you are a student who struggles with mathematics, you are not alone. As many as 37 percent of surveyed students aged 13-17 say math is their most challenging subject. This is problematic in our world because most careers require at least a basic working knowledge of math—and STEM careers (which include some of the highest-paying jobs) rely heavily on it.

The good news is that even if math concepts do not seem to come naturally to you, a skilled tutor can use teaching techniques tailored to your learning style to make it easier to understand and help you improve your performance.

Why Is Math So Hard?

Students find mathematics difficult for a variety of reasons. Here are a few of the most common.

Unique Learning Styles

Every student learns things a little differently. Traditional teaching methods in schools often follow a one-size-fits-all approach, which may not cater to all learning styles. This mismatch can make math seem more complex than it is.

Abstract Concepts

The abstract nature of math can be hard for some students to grasp. Mathematics requires working with numbers and symbols that often lack physical representation. This abstraction can make it difficult for students to connect what they learn in math with real-world applications, leading to a lack of understanding and interest. (Dyslexic students frequently report difficulty with math because of the symbols alone.) Even students who learn to solve certain math problems by repetition fail to grasp the concepts, so they struggle to retain what they have learned.

Perceiving Math as Irrelevant

One of the most common complaints with high school students learning advanced math (e.g., trigonometry or calculus) is, "When will I ever use this in real life?" Our brains are actually wired to prioritize the information we need and ignore the rest. Students who cannot see how math will serve them are less motivated to learn it.

"Math Anxiety"

Fear of math is a real thing. The pressure and anxiety associated with math contribute significantly to its perceived difficulty. The fear of making mistakes and the pressure to perform well can hinder a student's understanding and enjoyment of the subject.

How a Tutor Can Help

Mathematics is a cumulative subject where each new concept builds on previous ones. If a student misses out or does not fully understand a basic concept, it can lead to difficulties in understanding more complex topics later on. This is where a math tutor can help. A tutor can:

  • Provide personalized instruction that matches your learning style;

  • Use proven methods to strengthen your grasp of foundational math concepts so you can understand more complex ones;

  • Create a safe learning environment where mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth rather than failures, reducing your anxiety about math and

  • Utilize positive reinforcement to help you retain what you learn and give you more confidence.

At Vincent-Pope Tutoring, our tutors are highly skilled in making complex math easier to understand and utilizing teaching methods to help you master math more effectively. Call us at (919) 593-1378 or contact us online to learn more.

About the Author

Dr. Patrick Vincent-Pope

Patrick is the founding Executive Manager and a Tutor with Vincent-Pope Tutoring, LLC. After a Master's Degree in Life Science, he was awarded two competitive national fellowships to teach for 4 years in a European University and study for a PhD in Biochemistry at the C.N.R.S.. He graduated with ...


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